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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Healthy Newborn Tips - Guest Post

Delivering a Healthy Newborn

Every mother wants her baby to be as healthy and happy as can be, and preparing far in advance of delivery day can help ensure that. However, worrying excessively trying to avoid every little risk is likely to do the both of you more harm than good. Promoting your baby’s good health shouldn't have to be a job laced with fear and tireless effort. Consider some of the many ways that you can have prepare yourself ahead of time to have a healthy newborn.

Balanced Nutrition

The importance of eating a varied diet lies in vitamins and minerals. All of the nutrients the human body needs are interdependent on one another. It is essential to toss up your meals and snacks to obtain the full scope of vitamins, minerals and amino acids in order for your baby to develop properly. Many of these nutrients are important components for cell division, hormone balance and neurological development. Well-balanced and frequent meals or snacks rich in fruits, vegetables and proteins will help in development.


Research has indicated that exercise is very beneficial to an expecting mother. Exercise during pregnancy used to be thought of as dangerous to a mother and a cause for a miscarriage; today, exercise not only will help keep extra weight gain at bay, but will also ease the challenge of delivery by allowing a mother to have greater muscle control. Staying active during pregnancy doesn't mean engaging in strenuous activity. Even walking for 20 minutes a day can give dramatic benefits.

Preparing the Home

While it's not possible to completely avoid allergens, you do have a fair amount of control over their levels in your home. Indoor air can be a lot dirtier than the air outside and the constant onslaught can suppress your immune system and open you and baby up to more serious infections. Changing furnace filters and doing a thorough dusting job with electrostatic cloths will also reduce them noticeably. Childproofing is also a process that cannot be done too soon. Childproof the house, like covering the sockets and removing dangerous furniture, can be done before your baby arrives so you will already have been practicing good safety habits.

Quiet Time

Everyone needs time to sit down and relax as part of a healthy lifestyle. Setting up a quiet time where you can do whatever you'd like independent of work or responsibilities helps to prevent stress and fatigue while keeping the mind and body in good shape. The lack of your stress will be felt by your baby and will positively affect their neurology.

Future Health

Research the options available to your baby post delivery to get your baby’s life off to a good start. Circumcision and cord blood banking are two examples of optional choices. Cord blood banking involves collecting the blood of your baby's umbilical cord. Cord blood is full of stem cells, which can help treat nearly 80 diseases today and show considerable promise as a possible treatment for additional diseases. Some of the illnesses these cells are used to treat include cancer, blood disorders, metabolic diseases and immune problems.

"This article was written by Katie Moore. Katie is an active writer within the blogging community who discusses maternity, motherhood, prenatal health, childbirth and other topics within this niche.  If you have any questions or would like to connect with Katie please contact by visiting her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter @moorekm26."

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